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June 2024 update: These days I recommend the lightening fast SpinupWP control panel connected to a Dedicated CPU Premium Intel server at Digital Ocean. This is faster than any local environment I’ve ever used. Remember to follow good security practices and password protect any dev environment. LocalWP, known as Local and formerly Local by Flywheel,…
Full Site Editing (FSE) is here. This was just released for production with WordPress 5.9 yesterday, January 25, 2022. This follows earlier development and testing of this new core technology via the Gutenberg beta tester plugin and a variety of block based themes that made early inroads into the tech. With full-site editing now in…
PHP 8.0 was released over a year ago. Version 8.1 released this past November. That’s right – most of us are behind on this one! PHP 8.0 is a significant change that improves performance with a just-in-time compiler. While there’s clear benefits to making this upgrade as soon as possible, the reality today is most…
I often come across sites that have questionable WordPress administrator accounts. I work with clients to reduce this exposure. It’s dangerous offering full privilege accounts to anybody besides fully trusted and technically capable vendors and staff. Regular review is recommended since there tends to be shifts in staff and roles over time. Here’s why admin…
Fonts are one of the more critical web page performance items. Some sites load unnecessary fonts, font styles, font formats, failing to set them to load in display:swap mode, or failing to declare the unicode-range to load. Any of these can deteriorate performance. Thirty-plus fonts most devices already have There’s no need to load the…
Remember component stereo systems? WordPress is a component system too. Or it’s supposed to be if you’re using it optimally. From sites I’ve inherited I’ve observed developers breaking this by: WordPress is best used as its core, hosting, theme, and plugin components. Add to that a thin layer of custom design code or business rules…