WordPress guides

  • Why keep plugins up to date?

    I recently had another developer ask me why I work to keep plugins current, why I upgrade them. I realize it’s important to see that their question isn’t stupid, and the market out there, developers included, needs to know about software updates and why they matter. So here goes… Security & Bug fixes If you…

  • Published as a Codeable Expert

    I was published as a Codeable Expert on December 7th, 2023.

  • Fixing Jetpack Contact Form SPAM

    We have so many contact form plugins within the WordPress community. We also have several CAPTCHA systems available for these plugins, usually via Google reCaptcha or Cloudflare Turnstile. It’s all a lot to take in, and these plugins and services can add a lot of weight to a small site. Sometimes I prefer to use…

  • Jetpack CRM implementation

    I recently migrated into Jetpack CRM free edition (no premium add-ons used). This is a great free plugin with significant premium add-on capabilities, supported by the same company as WordPress.com and WooCommerce.com Here’s my experience with it so far: I like how the admin menu offers regular main menu item mode versus individual main items…

  • Beware of hosting company practices

    I had a troubling exchange with a hosting company yesterday that I feel is worth sharing. A new client with a smaller site has been paying ~$60 monthly for a 4GB (RAM) virtual private server. It’s large for her use (compared to the 2GB server that I run my own sites on). She pays for…

  • PHP 8.2 is rolling out now

    All sites should be running PHP 8.0+ by now given PHP 7.4 lifecycle ended late last year. PHP 8.0 will hit EOL later this year and sites should be upgrading at this time. PHP 8.1 was released in December 2021 and was succeeded by PHP 8.2 in December 2022. PHP 8.1 speeds-up WordPress 3.5% according…

  • Onboarding WordPress VIP Go

    I recently helped migrate a client into WordPress.com VIP Go enterprise hosting. This hosting is for larger sites with hosting budgets starting around $25,000 per year. It’s an opinionated platform that applies perhaps the greatest degree of WordPress management available. Here’s notes I took on the process: For more details on WordPress VIP, see their…

  • Local WordPress development via Homebrew

    June 2024 update: These days I recommend the lightening fast SpinupWP control panel connected to a Dedicated CPU Premium Intel server at Digital Ocean. This is faster than any local environment I’ve ever used. Remember to follow good security practices and password protect any dev environment. Here’s a follow-up to my March 2022 article on…

  • Database Cleanup 2023

    I’m presenting again on WooCommerce and WordPress database cleanup. This time my presentation is for our WooCommerce and WordPress Meetup group event. I’ve previously covered this topic in my WordCamp Los Angeles 2020 presentation and I posted on it in my blog post Cleaning up your WooCommerce database. This is a popular topic with evolving…

  • Blocks versus Page Builders

    Blocks came out in late 2018 initially for blog posts and page contents. The Block Editor project, originally named Gutenberg, has gradually expanded since. Starting January this year WordPress core introduced Block Themes (AKA Full Site Editing) where Blocks are used for templates, headers, footers, sidebars and more. That made 2022 a game changer because…

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