Shopify & WooCommerce services

Every online store owner needs a capable party:

  • knowledgeable of the configurations
  • maintains components for security
  • keeps in regular communication
  • available to answer technical questions and address urgencies

Onboarding options – Our first four months

Consult Plus

For DIY or existing dev(s)
needing some guidance


  • Alert emails from Sean
  • Daily peer scorecards:
    • Accessibility & SEO
    • Mobile performance
    • Top 30 ranked URLs
  • Site evaluation + meeting


For power user(s)
requiring less support


  • Consult+ plan items
  • Routine maintenance:
    • App / plugin updates
    • Platform updates
    • Theme updates
  • Tested & verified good

On-call Support

For most store operators
needing full support


  • Foundational plan items
  • Monthly consultation:
    • 30 minute Zoom call
  • Quick support requests:
    • Up to 16 total requests
    • Up to 15 minutes each

Continue with hourly development (below) following our four-month onboarding plan.

Onboarding plan comparison table
Service Item
(click for details)
Intended audience The Consult Plus plan is intended for do-it-yourself-ers, designers, developers, and maintenance services needing consultative assistance from an expert for a period. The Foundational plan is intended for power administrators who tend to have lower support needs but would like Sean to manage routine maintenance to clear that ongoing responsibility off their plate. The On-call Support plan is intended for most online store owners. This plan includes full support from Sean.
Accessibility on top URLs View and compare Lighthouse Accessibility scores across your top 30 Google Search ranked URLs.YYY
Mobile performance on top URLs View and compare Lighthouse Mobile Performance scores across your top 30 Google Search ranked URLs.YYY
SEO readability on top URLs View and compare Lighthouse SEO scores across your top 30 Google Search ranked URLs.YYY
Peer comparison scorecards View and compare all of the Lighthouse scores across your top 30 Google Search ranked URLs among other sites that I monitor to see how your site compares.YYY
Alert emails I’ll send you emails with any concerning scores, how they compare to peers on average, and your top fix opportunities.YYY
Optional WooCommerce metrics For sites running WooCommerce and providing me with read-only REST API keys, I monitor your active plugin count, PHP, WordPress, and WooCommerce versions, so we know when it’s time to upgrade or can see when there’s deferred maintenance pending.YYY
Site evaluation + meeting (qty 1) I conduct a two hour site evaluation and hold a one hour call with you to review findings and recommendations on your project Trello board. If you are an existing client and not enough has changed on your site to warrant a site evaluation at the outset or renewal of this plan, then I instead credit the two hour site evaluation and / or one hour findings meeting to your balance of dev and support hours.YYY
Theme updates & testing I manually apply theme updates and test to ensure success. Includes theme updates that contain fixes, improvements, and minor feature adjustments. Major upgrades that require coding are not included. I will inform you whenever we face that scenario, usually not very often, depends upon your theme selection and past modifications.NYY
App / plugin updates & testing I manually apply App or plugin updates and test to ensure success. Includes updates that contain fixes, improvements, and minor feature adjustments. Major upgrades that require coding are not included. I will inform you whenever we face that scenario, usually not very often, depends on how many third party Apps or plugins that you use.NYY
Platform / core updates WooCommerce releases each month, WordPress a few times a year, Shopify seldom. I apply platform updates unless they require coding, in which case I’ll get in touch with you.NYY
Monthly Zoom meeting (30 minutes) We meet briefly every month over Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, or Skype to catch-up on your project. Meetings are scheduled on my Meetings page, typically with a day or two notice.NNY
Quick support requests (15 minutes/ea) Email me requests and I answer them accounting for the time in up to 15 minute increments used against your credit of 16 per plan cycle.NNY
Total price over four-month plan cycle$500$876$1,996
One site per plan. Development sold separately. See terms and conditions.
Glasses sitting in front of computer screens displaying code

I provide consulting, development, maintenance and support services for online store owners and digital agencies needing my full-stack eCommerce developer expertise on one or more projects.

This is a great option if you’re successful with online sales and need a trusted resource to turbo charge your eCommerce storefront. Add me to your team at 10-50 hours a month at a fraction of the cost of hiring dedicated full-time.

Free stuff!


Free Shopify dev site – contact me.


Free plugins and code snippets.

Training Samplers

See my YouTube channel.