Sean D. Conklin

  • Handling phone orders, re-charging, etc.

    An interesting set of questions recently came up: How best to take phone orders, change new orders just in, or append add-on items or orders to a customer’s account using stored payment. This is akin to performing a post purchase up-sell or cross-sell administratively.

  • Optimize post-purchase experience

    I highly recommend the article Tips to Optimize Post-Purchase Experience for WooCommerce from the Official WooCommerce Blog by Cody Landefeld on March 8, 2018.

  • You had me at Storefront

    Storefront* is the official open-source theme for WooCommerce powered stores. There are significant benefits to implementing the official theme and making your site’s design work with it. Storefront can improve both form and function with a little patience in working it to suit your design needs.

  • Architecting million dollar projects

    I was inspired by a webinar I recently attended, Architecting Growth–How to Crush Million Dollar Projects by Pantheon – a geek friendly managed host for enterprise WordPress and Drupal clients. This webinar is presented by their co-founder and discusses much of what they’ve learned providing infrastructure for larger scale projects.

  • WooCommerce plugin development

    You may find yourself in search of a more unique or custom solution with WooCommerce. After all, customizability is a huge selling point of WooCommerce as an eCommerce platform.

  • Conversion rate optimization guide

    I highly recommend the article Quick Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization for WooCommerce* by Marina Pape on April 19, 2018.

  • Speeding-up WooCommerce sites

    Performance is a priority for all website administrators these days. As traffic scales, so too will your performance bottlenecks.

  • Ways to make your next sale

    I highly recommend the article 10 Ways to Make Your Next WooCommerce Sale by Andrea Zoellner on March 29, 2018.

  • Automation for eCommerce stores

    I highly recommend the article Understanding Automation for eCommerce Stores by Beka Rice on February 6, 2018.

  • WooCommerce as a Sales Funnel

    View my presentation WooCommerce As a Sales Funnel for marketing tips and tricks to optimize your WooCommerce store. These techniques are useful for any site running advertisement or email marketing campaigns into WooCommerce. Its contents are also useful if running your own promotions for first time customers, flash sales, social media, and affiliate marketing.

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