• WordPress blocks, templates, and themes

    Full Site Editing (FSE) is here. This was just released for production with WordPress 5.9 yesterday, January 25, 2022. This follows earlier development and testing of this new core technology via the Gutenberg beta tester plugin and a variety of block based themes that made early inroads into the tech. With full-site editing now in…

  • Who should have Administrator access?

    I often come across sites that have questionable WordPress administrator accounts. I work with clients to reduce this exposure. It’s dangerous offering full privilege accounts to anybody besides fully trusted and technically capable vendors and staff. Regular review is recommended since there tends to be shifts in staff and roles over time. Here’s why admin…

  • Product short versus long descriptions

    I see clients get this wrong all the time. It sounds so simple, but apparently it isn’t! As I work to figure this out, I’ll post my observations. Here’s examples I’ve come across in client product catalogs: When I bring this up, here’s excuses I get in response: Here’s an official blog post with practical…

  • Efficiently loads one or more Google Fonts via CSS and display swapping. You can include different weights and styles by copying and pasting the URLs provided by Google Fonts.

  • Moves the up-sells section on the cart page underneath the order totals section.

  • Splitting a store from a website

    Recently a client brought in an interesting request to split their store off onto a subdomain, for example https://store.mywebsite.com. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this idea. I thought I’d share those insights with my audience. Pros The plugin load gets split, so each site runs less plugins or customization risks above the core…

  • The most popular themes

    Recently I’ve been assessing WooCommerce sites based in California as part of a new client outreach effort. Through this process and its first 100 subjects I’ve discovered more data on where people host their WooCommerce sites, what errors are showing up (SSL, JS/console, ADA, state compliance), performance metrics, who they use for hosting/registrations/email, what all…

  • A plugin too far

    A plugin too far

    How many plugins is too many for a WordPress site? Well, there’s no real answer to that question. It depends on several rather circumstantial factors…

  • Handling phone orders, re-charging, etc.

    An interesting set of questions recently came up: How best to take phone orders, change new orders just in, or append add-on items or orders to a customer’s account using stored payment. This is akin to performing a post purchase up-sell or cross-sell administratively.

  • Shopping cart

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