WooCommerce guides

  • Testing Custom Order Tables / HPOS

    Have you heard? 2023 is the year that High Performance Order Storage (HPOS) also-known-as Custom Order Tables (COT) becomes standard in WooCommerce. HPOS is opt-in based, but the core team has announced: “Orders will stop being synchronized to posts and postmeta tables in WooCommerce 8.0 in August 2023”. That sounds to me like our timeline for…

  • Discontinuing products in your store

    Products come and go while search engine caches remain. It’s a popular practice to switch a product’s status to draft (un-publish it) or delete a product when it has an undetermined status or has become permanently discontinued. Search engine caches, bookmarks, and overall “juice” for the product page can be be damaged when URLs get…

  • Online store Maintenance Agreement

    I’ve adopted a new Maintenance Agreement. This came about following several occasions where I suddenly found new Administrators and plugins on a site that I was maintaining. It’s come mostly from clients I hadn’t worked with for some time. Still, surprise! I understand the reasons folks have for introducing new parties to help out. To…

  • WooCommerce Technical Growth Strategies

    Over time customers, order histories, and overall data will grow. Business conditions continually shift. Marketing experiments revolve and typically require new technical implementation to support, past ones to remove. How does one manage a growing website and keep it performing well, besides continually buying a bigger server? Following are some strategies to manage the growth…

  • Defining plugin classes

    During my plugin triage work I group plugins into different classes before digging deeper into the pros and cons of each. Whether a plugin is good or bad for a particular site depends on how necessary it is, how deeply it’s being utilized, whether there’s any preferred alternative, and how difficult it would be to…

  • Older Safari web browsers

    I’ve noticed a trend where several clients have forwarded to me trouble their users have faced using outdated versions of the Safari web browser. While it’s more typical to only support the latest version of popular web browsers that can normally be upgraded; there is meaningful traffic on the previous version of this browser –…

  • Video: Panel discussion with Cloudways

    Moving Forward With WooCommerce and How Store Owners Should Adapt to Post Covid World Watch the video on Facebook.com

  • eCommerce emergency preparedness

    I was chatting with a lawyer friend of mine recently and he suggested the topic of emergency preparedness and management as we approach one of the year’s busiest shopping seasons, BFCM. No doubt, lawyers typically deal with things after they have become serious. I concur this is a great topic and is timely especially for…

  • Who should have Administrator access?

    I often come across sites that have questionable WordPress administrator accounts. I work with clients to reduce this exposure. It’s dangerous offering full privilege accounts to anybody besides fully trusted and technically capable vendors and staff. Regular review is recommended since there tends to be shifts in staff and roles over time. Here’s why admin…

  • Product short versus long descriptions

    I see clients get this wrong all the time. It sounds so simple, but apparently it isn’t! As I work to figure this out, I’ll post my observations. Here’s examples I’ve come across in client product catalogs: When I bring this up, here’s excuses I get in response: Here’s an official blog post with practical…

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