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On a few occasions I’ve heard of multiple shopping cart sub sites, sometimes powered by a WordPress Multisite Network that supports multiple WordPress sites within one via URI path, subdomain, or domain name. Examples of this include: business product lines, departments, or clients of a solution provider. Each sub site has some base requirements to…
I’ve adopted a new Maintenance Agreement. This came about following several occasions where I suddenly found new Administrators and plugins on a site that I was maintaining. It’s come mostly from clients I hadn’t worked with for some time. Still, surprise! I understand the reasons folks have for introducing new parties to help out. To…
During my plugin triage work I group plugins into different classes before digging deeper into the pros and cons of each. Whether a plugin is good or bad for a particular site depends on how necessary it is, how deeply it’s being utilized, whether there’s any preferred alternative, and how difficult it would be to…