
  • Presentation: WooCommerce Product Landing Pages

    On November 9th, 2024 presented on the topic of WooCommerce Product Landing Pages at WordPress Santa Clarita Valley Meetup. We had a great turnout with a hybrid setup, taking questions from audience members physically present and over Zoom. Here’s the event description and slides: He’ll talk about best practice design and where this concept of…

  • Discontinuing products in your store

    Products come and go while search engine caches remain. It’s a popular practice to switch a product’s status to draft (un-publish it) or delete a product when it has an undetermined status or has become permanently discontinued. Search engine caches, bookmarks, and overall “juice” for the product page can be be damaged when URLs get…

  • Invoicing using WooCommerce

    I do all of my invoicing through WooCommerce for several reasons I discuss here. I also have notes about selling service line items in Woo.

  • Mass products transferring

    I recently worked with a client who had over 1,200 products with dozens of attributes, variations, and categories. Here’s how I migrated these products for staging.

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