• Why keep plugins up to date?

    I recently had another developer ask me why I work to keep plugins current, why I upgrade them. I realize it’s important to see that their question isn’t stupid, and the market out there, developers included, needs to know about software updates and why they matter. So here goes… Security & Bug fixes If you…

  • PHP 8.2 is rolling out now

    All sites should be running PHP 8.0+ by now given PHP 7.4 lifecycle ended late last year. PHP 8.0 will hit EOL later this year and sites should be upgrading at this time. PHP 8.1 was released in December 2021 and was succeeded by PHP 8.2 in December 2022. PHP 8.1 speeds-up WordPress 3.5% according…

  • You’re running PHP 8 by now, right?

    WooCommerce had a little blip in this week’s release of version 7.1.0 where the PHP requirement was bumped to PHP 7.4 prematurely. They’ve fixed it, supporting PHP 7.2+ at the moment, but took the opportunity to issue a warning that PHP 7.4 is losing security support in just two weeks time. See PHP supported versions.…

  • Tips on using LocalWP sandboxing

    June 2024 update: These days I recommend the lightening fast SpinupWP control panel connected to a Dedicated CPU Premium Intel server at Digital Ocean. This is faster than any local environment I’ve ever used. Remember to follow good security practices and password protect any dev environment. LocalWP, known as Local and formerly Local by Flywheel,…

  • It’s time to upgrade sites to PHP 8.0

    PHP 8.0 was released over a year ago. Version 8.1 released this past November. That’s right – most of us are behind on this one! PHP 8.0 is a significant change that improves performance with a just-in-time compiler. While there’s clear benefits to making this upgrade as soon as possible, the reality today is most…

  • PHP 7.4 is here and performing well

    WordPress hosting companies are notoriously behind in upgrading PHP – the web service that processes a website’s data and logical code into HTML output. The cost of this delay is enormous in terms of website maintenance and performance. The jump from PHP v5 to v7 was a big one that required software updates and often…

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