
  • WooCommerce maintenance

    Since WooCommerce is self hosted and self maintained software it has earned somewhat a reputation for ongoing maintenance. The degree of maintenance will vary widely. I strive to build WooCommerce powered sites to be as low maintenance as possible, but there is some maintenance responsibility. I often work on catch-up projects applying neglected maintenance and…

  • Smaller business trumping bigger business

    You must be noticing it too — incompetence has been on the rise in the service industries. Bigger businesses continue to automate customer service and support areas they should not automate and fail to properly automate the mundane workloads that they should be. Employees are more often under trained, under compensated / unprofessional in their…

  • Automation for eCommerce stores

    I highly recommend the article Understanding Automation for eCommerce Stores by Beka Rice on February 6, 2018.

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