Sean D. Conklin

  • Repair or Replace?

    Recently a question came up about whether it’s better to repair or replace a WooCommerce site that wasn’t well built. I’d like to take a moment to make a recommendation based on my expertise.

  • Video: WooCommerce simplified

    I recorded a video today for my YouTube channel. Check it out if you’re interested in WooCommerce basics.

  • Big WooCommerce stores

    WooCommerce is known as the leading eCommerce platform for having millions of installations worldwide. It’s had a reputation for scaling challenges. Not any longer! A recent official blog post covered this topic and included examples of six larger WooCommerce stores and a link to the official showcase of sites by category. Scaling is defined there…

  • Co-organizing WordCamp Santa Clarita

    WordCamp Santa Clarita 2020 #wcscv website is now live and the call for speakers is up! Our call for sponsors, volunteers and opening of attendee tickets is forthcoming. Please stay tuned or subscribe for updates (see footer). I hope to see folks there in early April.

  • Making good plugin choices

    Plugin decisions tell me a lot about how the site was put together. Each plugin consumes resources and slows down a site, particularly on weaker hosting. Plugins can also clog-up the database by caching a bunch of data or storing oversized settings…

  • Smaller business trumping bigger business

    You must be noticing it too — incompetence has been on the rise in the service industries. Bigger businesses continue to automate customer service and support areas they should not automate and fail to properly automate the mundane workloads that they should be. Employees are more often under trained, under compensated / unprofessional in their…

  • Case study: Pep Boys automotive

    I had a pleasant eCommerce experience earlier in the month and thought it’s worthy of sharing. This was not WooCommerce specific, but it makes the case for investment in eCommerce solutions. This workflow could easily be built using the open-source WooCommerce framework. I had been noticing my 7-year old KIA being increasingly sluggish to start.…

  • PHP 7.4 is here and performing well

    WordPress hosting companies are notoriously behind in upgrading PHP – the web service that processes a website’s data and logical code into HTML output. The cost of this delay is enormous in terms of website maintenance and performance. The jump from PHP v5 to v7 was a big one that required software updates and often…

  • WooCommerce Store Manager

    I’ve long held a belief that clients themselves (or their staff or VAs) should be empowered to manage content and that they naturally wish to do it themselves. Consider a Store Manager.

  • WooCommerce website accessibility

    Website accessibility (codename: a11y) has always been an important quality dimension to a website. In recent months website accessibility has seen tremendous growth not only for the purposes of inclusion, customer growth and search-engine optimization, but also to shield litigation, frivolous or otherwise, in connection with federal and state laws (ADA, Disabled Persons Acts, and…

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